New Baby Tax Filing Tips

The first thing to consider when filing your taxes with a new baby is your tax status. If you were single before and now support the household, you should file Head of Household instead. The tax brackets are better and the standard deduction is increased for this tax filing status. Here are some additional tax filing tips:

An old Social Security card with the "not... Tax Filing Tips
An old Social Security card with the “not for identification” message (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Tax Filing Tips

Consider informing your rich relative about the gift tax if they are thinking about gifting you over $14,000 for your new born. Normal gifts are not taxable, which is the good news.

Any uncovered medical expenses can be deducted once a 10% floor is applied to the deduction amount based on your adjusted gross income (AGI). To claim your medical expenses, use the long form 1040 and file a Schedule A Itemized Deductions form.

Claiming your … Read the rest about Filing Taxes

Get Caught Up On Your Expat Taxes

Did you know that there are over 7.6 million American people living or working overseas? Half of these people are only filing their US tax returns, despite still being citizens. It is clear that many expats do not realize that they still have an obligation to the US Federal Tax. This means that they are in fact targets for the IRS. Luckily, there are ways to get rid of this worry and move on.

The Streamlined Filing Procedures

This is probably the best way to deal with filing taxes if a person was not aware of them. This is a great program that was designed to be able to fix tax problems without seeming like you were hiding amounts of money, or knowingly evading taxes. Most people fall into this category if they live overseas. This means that they have to only provide the last 3 years of … Read the rest about Filing Taxes

Maintain Security When Filing Taxes Electronically

How to maintain security when filing taxes electronically

Millions of U.S. taxpayers have used electronic software applications like to e-file their taxes, many doing so from the home desktops. Roughly six percent more consumers are using this method of submitting tax forms, than the numbers who did so in 2012.

Though e-filing is convenient and easy, it can create a risk to the taxpayer, with the filing of fraudulent tax forms and and identity theft. These undetected thieves were able to get away with over three and a half billion dollars in 2011, according to the Inspector General.

The following tips for protecting your information and identity are offered by experts in internet security

Don’t assume all emails genuinely originated from the Internal Revenue Service!

One method of committing fraud is to send an email to the taxpayer, pretending to be the IRS. This form of gaining access, … Read the rest about Filing Taxes

How To Use The IRS To Get Free Tax Help

A lot of people require help when filing taxes. Deciding on the forms to fill, number of dependents and how to claim your tax refund are some of the prevalent concerns that taxpayers face. How do you get free tax help?

However, there exists numerous methods that can be helpful during the process. Below are some of the best techniques and practices that you can employ on top of using TurboTax 2014.

Get Free Tax Help

The IRS website ( is a one stop shop for tax payers. “1040 Central” is especially beneficial to those who are experiencing difficulties with filing their taxes. It will give you tips, guidelines and a lot of useful information. Moreover, the page has links to other important webpages such as the latest news and FAQs.

Online tools such as the Interactive Tax Assistant and IRS Tax Map can also be useful in giving you solutions to some … Read the rest about Filing Taxes