Should you give back to your school?
Graduating from college is a wonderful achievement, and you may have spent an appreciable amount of money to make it happen.
Ironically, graduation may tie you to your school even more, and the interaction may last for years to come.
Money Concerns of College Alumni
College is beneficial for the student and the school. The learning institution provides opportunities for your future success, and your successful endeavors after graduation serve as a testament to the school.
Newsflash: Your success is gauged by your income!
Your healthy income is a tangible way for your college to verify their skill in preparing students for their future success.
Many graduates give back to their schools when filing taxes or as part of other financial activities. Reputable publications such as U.S. News and World Report use the percentage of alumni who donate as an important ranking factor, and this is why many colleges begin … Read the rest about Filing Taxes