Health Insurance And Your Taxes

Health Insurance And Your Taxes

Tax filing season will be here before you know it, and there is a big change on the tax forms that almost 50 percent of Americans aren’t aware of. Tax filers will be required to verify that they have health insurance when they file their 2014 taxes, or face a penalty.

An Intuit TurboTax survey carried out by Harris Poll among over 2,000 people aged 18 or over found that around 48 percent of Americans are still unaware of this new Obamacare rule.

Health Insurance and 2014 Taxes
Tumisu / Pixabay Health Insurance And Your Taxes

The deadline to avoid having to pay a penalty for the 2014 tax season has already been and gone, although 87 percent don’t actually realize that. However, about 62 percent of Americans without health insurance do realize that they will have to pay some sort of penalty for not having current and valid health insurance.

Sacha Adam, the TurboTax … Read the rest about Filing Taxes

Get Caught Up On Your Expat Taxes

Did you know that there are over 7.6 million American people living or working overseas? Half of these people are only filing their US tax returns, despite still being citizens. It is clear that many expats do not realize that they still have an obligation to the US Federal Tax. This means that they are in fact targets for the IRS. Luckily, there are ways to get rid of this worry and move on.

The Streamlined Filing Procedures

This is probably the best way to deal with filing taxes if a person was not aware of them. This is a great program that was designed to be able to fix tax problems without seeming like you were hiding amounts of money, or knowingly evading taxes. Most people fall into this category if they live overseas. This means that they have to only provide the last 3 years of … Read the rest about Filing Taxes

Should you give back to your school?

Graduating from college is a wonderful achievement, and you may have spent an appreciable amount of money to make it happen.

Ironically, graduation may tie you to your school even more, and the interaction may last for years to come.

Money Concerns of College Alumni

College is beneficial for the student and the school. The learning institution provides opportunities for your future success, and your successful endeavors after graduation serve as a testament to the school.

Newsflash: Your success is gauged by your income!

Your healthy income is a tangible way for your college to verify their skill in preparing students for their future success.

Many graduates give back to their schools when filing taxes or as part of other financial activities. Reputable publications such as U.S. News and World Report use the percentage of alumni who donate as an important ranking factor, and this is why many colleges begin … Read the rest about Filing Taxes

Maintain Security When Filing Taxes Electronically

How to maintain security when filing taxes electronically

Millions of U.S. taxpayers have used electronic software applications like to e-file their taxes, many doing so from the home desktops. Roughly six percent more consumers are using this method of submitting tax forms, than the numbers who did so in 2012.

Though e-filing is convenient and easy, it can create a risk to the taxpayer, with the filing of fraudulent tax forms and and identity theft. These undetected thieves were able to get away with over three and a half billion dollars in 2011, according to the Inspector General.

The following tips for protecting your information and identity are offered by experts in internet security

Don’t assume all emails genuinely originated from the Internal Revenue Service!

One method of committing fraud is to send an email to the taxpayer, pretending to be the IRS. This form of gaining access, … Read the rest about Filing Taxes

Filing Your Taxes With TurboTax

Tax time can be stressful for many reasons, but if you use TurboTax 2014 may be the year that filing taxes becomes as easy as possible. TurboTax software can help you get the tax advantages that you are entitled to, and the following list highlights why millions of people file their taxes with TurboTax.

Easy to Navigate

The best software is easy to follow and easy to use, and this is the hallmark of TurboTax software. The steps take you through detailed questions that verify your information. You will end up with a complete picture of where you are in terms of your tax status and deductions.

TurboTax keeps you from duplicating work since the information from your federal income tax return can be efficiently transferred to your state tax return. This helps keep tax preparation time to a minimum, and the transfer feature helps to maximize the accuracy … Read the rest about Filing Taxes

The New TurboTax – A Better Way To Accomplish (and Understand) Your Tax Returns

If you are looking into using TurboTax to help you manage, organize and file your taxes, then you are on the right track.

In the past few years, TurboTax’s user interface has under gone many changes and updates. After a while, it just became exhaustingly confusing for users. Some buttons are moved, removed and some just stayed where there were, but it cannot be denied that the changes can be overwhelming.

Even though the creators of TurboTax have their hearts in a good place, the continuous makeovers can be quite too much for the average user, especially the crunch time for filing taxes.

The good news is, Intuit, the developer of TurboTax, showed that they do care for their customers. This has become apparent in the most recent redesign of their user interface (UI). TurboTax 2014 makes the process of filing taxes faster and easier.

The newest version of … Read the rest about Filing Taxes