IRS to Allow Tax Deductions on Pets in 2025: The New Era of Pet Owners
In a surprise move, the Internal Revenue Service announced that U.S. pet owners could possibly qualify for write-offs for pets, beginning in 2025. A change like this would be one drastic about-face that has, up until now, been handled in U.S. tax law and one which would bring quick relief to millions of pet owners nationwide who view their animals as so much more than companions-but members of the family. More on Tax Deductions on Pets.

What Does This Mean to Pet Owners?
Until now, the IRS did not recognize pets since, quite simply, they had come under the heading of personal expenses for the care of a pet. Under the new rule, some of those expenses could be deductible under certain circumstances:
Service Animals: Conventionally, the expenses incurred for service animals, even those that are trained to assist people with disabilities, were allowed as deductions… Read the rest about Filing Taxes